Sunday, July 26, 2009

Trek to Shingani Gudda 18th - 19th July PART 3

Day 2
Fresh and twice the energy than the day before, this is how we began our day 2. By the time everyone got ready, we did some amazing photography, captured the nature and ofcourse wild animals "us"!!
We then treated ourselves to a delectable breakfast consisting of yummy mangalore islis and mangalore bajjis. Finally we were all set for our Rapelling.
We walked through the forest and then we recahed this hill, a 60 feet high hill. The rocks were wet and it was raining. But still we gathered all the courage to do rapelling.
Neeraj showed us how to do it and told us what not do while rapelling. Each of us did rapelling one by one. I kind of didnt get a hang of it till I slipped a bit on the rock. I then managed till the end. I was reaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy proud of it at the end of it. I managed the 60ft steep and now I can do it bravely. Amazing.
back to Base Camp
End of the adventure time. We all finally packed our bags and headed back in the bus.
Extreme fun, extreme adventure, extremes of everything!!! This is how a weekend should be like!!!!

1 comment:

Pramod said...

Awesome.. amazing adventure :) Think I should start blogging as well.. dedicated to trekking.. :) you inspire me.. lol..