Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nature at its Best

Nature at times is just so beautiful, theres no greater feeling than sitting on a bean bag, leeting the cold breeze brush against you, listening to "Man ki lagan" on radio, sipping on "mum made Adrak chai"!!!! Bliss!!! Yummmmmmmm!!! And last but not the least blogging with all this in the head. Today is just one of the best days with Mysore weather being so cozy and serene. Wet roads, wet trees, they look so beautiful!!! I wish I never had to work, I wish The weather always remained the same, I wish I had enough money to spend atleast 6 months just backpacking!! wow!! I wish my wish is answered!!! Now will jus get back to my dreamland!!!

1 comment:

WriteToLearn said...

hahaha - love this one... :) beautiful sentiments :)