Sunday, July 26, 2009

Trek to Shingani Gudda 18th-19th July Part 2

Finally we came back to our base camp. All of us were drenched in rain and each one of us were shivering. All we needed was a hot cup of coffee or chai!! And as we came down, we were welcomed again by hot cup of chai and some hot bondas..!!!What a releif...!!! We then headed for nice hot water showers and finally got rid of all the mud, leeches, and sweat!! All of us were as fresh as a dew drop!!!
There was still some time till the dinner would be served.So all of us put on our thinking hats wondering what to do...and boom!! what can be betetr fun than Dumbsy!! Hence we started the act of being dumb!! The only rule of the game was each one would act and no one just sit watching the entertatinent.Thus began the high jinks of our eveing. There were people like Sajid who was a master at giving extreme difficult movies and we took all the posisble advantage of it. There were also people like Neeraj who when given a movie would just stand thinking for hours together. He needs to start classes for Dumbsy!! In all a boisterous time before dinner!!
Yummmy Dinnnerrr!!!
A tantalizing Dinner was ready at a small cozy hut. The menu was full on....chapathi, sabzi, sambhar,rasam, pumpkin curry, plain rice, puliogrey, curd, payasam and a very tempting "amptekai" pickle. Amptekai is a kind of baby mango as far as I know about it. After all the trek and dumbcy each of us had our dinner in such peace. It looked like all of us were hungry from decades. The payasam was something I had never ever eaten in life and for me this was an amzing dinner.
Night Jungle Walk
Noctiphobia and herpetophobia are two biggest phobias that I have. I get shit scared of darkness, night and the next fear is fear of reptules, those creepy crawly things.
But inspite of thes ethings I took the risk of going for a night jungle walk with torches. We were around 7 of us amongst which I was the only one who was shit scared.
All torch lights on and there we began teh walk. The jungle was quiet. The only sound we heard were the frogs croaking. Maybe they were mating and used the sound to attract a female frog. The next thing I saw was millions of stars. And I told my frens, that the stars looked beautiful. I was wrong. They told me, those were not stars, they were Fire Flies. I had never seena fire fly in y life.They lloked so aazing.
Facts about Fire Flies
They are winged Beetles, and commonly called fireflies or lightning bugs for their conspicuous crepuscular use of bioluminescence to attract mates or prey. Fireflies are capable of producing a "cold light", containing no ultraviolet or infrared rays. This chemically-produced light, emitted from the lower abdomen, may be yellow, green, or pale red in color, and has a wavelength from 510 to 670 nanometers.Light production in fireflies is due to a type of chemical reaction called bioluminescence. This process occurs in specialised light-emitting organs, usually on a firefly's lower abdomen. Fireflies do not bite, do not have pincers, do not carry disease and in fact are quite harmless. They cannot even fly fast. They have a life span of two months.
Back to the Jungle Walk
So the Junglw looked amazing with millions of fireflies.We kept walking,my frens tried their best to ensure I get rid of my fear but alas, their ears were invited to a scream wich echoed for the next few days!! I screamed so loudly everytime all the torch lights went off or everytime I felt an intution of someone following us! We heard the jackal howling and that was the last thing iw anted to hear. Requested them to head back and thus we did. We tried walking few kiloeters for around 3 times and finally in the 3 attempts, I managed to take 25 steps without a light or anyone beside me! I am proud of myself! But still; not too proud as I still have 50% fear of the darkness. Maybe in the next few treks I should be fine.
Serene Night
We were back from the walk. Few tents were put up and few were fast asleep. The rest of us decided to sleep in our cottages. before sleeping, I sat on the bench against the fast flowing river.It was a very phlegmatic night, all I could hear was the river flowing, the breeze passing thorugh my skin, the leaves rustling. Splendid! End of Day 1!

All the energy from my body had been used through day 1 for a wonderful trek. Nature is so beautiful and if you are a nature lover, theres nothing more than this that can relieve you and make you feel as fresh as a new mourn hay!

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