Sunday, September 27, 2009

The calorie Diet Shift Method

Out of my 25 years of life, I have indulged myself in some or the other physical activity to either lose weight or atleast maintain the same weight for around 11 years. Not to disagree, that I have always been on the heavier side, but one thing is for sure, due to the activities that I have done, I am much more energetic and have loadz of stamina. Every gym, aerobics that I hit, I was always told that control on food, drink loadz of water, have a 8 hours of sleep blah blah blah. Trust me, “No Pain No Gain” but at the end of the day or after few months, you start craving for those fav dishes of yours only because you feel “One life yaar, let me just eat today” “I will work out more tomorrow”. Booommmm goes your diet plans and the hard work that you do at the gym. For a person with my body type, who gains easily but loses slowly, I feel I should never eat all the delectable food ever in my life.

Now, recently, I came across something called the Calorie Diet Shift Method. Its doing wonders, making me feel great and I am sure if I follow it for atleast 6 months, I will definitely see results. Again, 6 months, is for me, my body type, I am sure it differs!
The shifting calories method is a unique diet method which was developed in order to ensure a fast and continuous weight loss.
In contrary to other diet plan which provides a short term weight loss, the Shifting Calories method ensures that you will not gain back the weight you have lost and that you will continue to lose more and more weight for weeks and months.

  • You will accomplish this weight loss
  • Without depriving yourself of necessary nutrients

Without damaging your health as other diets may cause you to do.
The shifting Calories method is based on changing what you eat from one day to the next. Shifting your calories keeps your metabolism high and gets your body to burn more fat faster.

  • You do not starve yourself.
  • You don't have to stop eating,
  • You just need to keep shifting your calories.
  • You keep changing what you eat; you're never bored with your food as with other diets.
  • You don't have to eat a specific food group or to stop eating one.
  • You don't go hungry or get cravings for an entire food group.
  • You can't eat junk food, of course, at least not as much as you like, but you do eat carbs, proteins, fruits, vegetables.
  • You can create a menu based on the kind of food that you like and then you just shift it around.

The results are amazing!!
Calculate the calories you need to take in per day as per your height and weight, take in only that amount of calories, burn a few taken by working out for an hour!! Trust me its wonderful…
I had booked tickets for “Dil Bole Hadippa” yesterday and I can never watch a movie without a popcorn or bhelpuri. I just calculated the calories I would be taking in by consuming these, and planned my whole days food intake. End of the day, I did not starve, I substituted my food, I did not deprive myself of the Pop Corn and still managed….!!!
For all the people who want to lose weight, follow this!! It’s the new funda!!! :)

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