Friday, January 8, 2010


When I was in school, the only way we stayed connected was through Emails or home phones. But, today, the youngest of the lot, are so adepted to the networking sites that emiling is always a second option. The first thing when they would ask is , "Are you on FB", "Are you on Twitter" and what not. I did not even know half these things existed till I was in college. But, today, if you are not on any of these, you will be considered a person from the prehistoric times.
On giving second thoughts, I would agree that these sites have done wonders. Let me share the best experience of Orkut and also one of the reasons why I loved Orkut. After school, everyone went to different colleges and later on to different places for further studies or jobs. One fine day the few of us who were in touch, decided to have a reunion. However, it seemed a little impossible as it was 7 years since we all had graduated from school. Most of the email ids, written down in our scrapbooks while leaving school did not even exist. We did not even know where half the crowd was. It was a total tough job. The only way, we then started, searching for all our freiends was through Orkut. Whether people stayed connected or not through emails, the moment a friend was added on orkut, the whole Re-union thingy looked bright and the rest is history.
Orkut was the bandwagon for every individual. Though we have exceptions! Soon after orkut, started the Face Book funda. Since, everyone have been so used to Orkut, Facebook being so neoteric with its applications, pokes, games, and what not, most of the people found it a little baffling. But, eventually got used to it.
Now there are a number of such sites, the more you are on them, the more you stay connected with your people. After, a cxertain period, one would just stick to the initial connections and use it bare minimum. Like, for example, I stopped using orkut. I stopped sending scraps. I now am active on FB, but not much.
Anyways, each one has its own way of staying connected, for some its just a click way , for the rest its just a phone call away.
However, staying connected is all that matters. The medium can be anything.

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